People say visit the dentist every 6 months. So after 6 years, i decided it's about time i visit one.
But in the end.......

Haha.. Ok never mind if u cannot see clearly. But if u try to strain your eyes on this bill, or use some ultra adobe technology, this bill states $123.05. Oh. And if u strain your eyes further, you can see the cost for the respective dental services.
Consultation $26.75
Scaling/Root Planning $32.10
Polishing $32.10
X-ray $32.10
As u can see, besides scaling(dunno wat is that) and x-ray, seeing a dentist can easily set u close to $60 off.
Anyway, why i did a x-ray is because the doctor said i have one wisdom tooth comin out. Here's the picture..
So besides the cpf issue, i have found one more problem for all u diehard singapore complain-kings to complain. Good luck. I go sleep liao..
didi... not only consider $$... it will be a painful experience too!!!
n u have to think of wad to eat the only thing u can eat is porridge everyday until ur wound has recovered fully...
trina flyin pass~
Go and pluck it during 1 of ur hols... Sooner or later will gif u problems.
You wait longer then will be more bo wah, imagine pain liao then u decide to pluck it, then they gif u a date 1 month later.
You haf to suffer 1 month of extra pain.
Next time be more clever go polyclinic clean, dun go hospital, I know NUH near ur sch...
Unless u feeling rich
you do know that we can click your pic and a larger one will appear ya?
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